If your chimney is missing mortar in spots and the bricks are loose, you probably need at least a partial rebuild. Many times a clay chimney flue that is not in use (dummy flue) is filled in with concrete which causes major damage to the crown and chimney over time. Or if the crown of the chimney does not overhang, water and ice can destroy your chimney. Another problem is an unlined chimney or cracked flue tiles. In any of these cases, we would be happy to inspect the chimney and give you an honest and free estimate. Raise the safety, value, and beauty of your home today by rebuilding your chimney
Re-pointing can become necessary as the chimney ages or after adverse weather. In cases when there are only a few spots missing mortar, re-pointing may be a possibility for your chimney. Water is your chimney’s worst enemy. After your chimney is repaired, we suggest the chimney be sealed with ChimneySaver
If you don't like the way your chimney looks there are many types of stone and finishes that can be applied to your existing chimney. Our team of experienced professionals can make any chimney beautiful!
The crown of the chimney is your most important line of defense when it comes to protecting your chimney and fireplace. Most chimneys are made with a mortar crown splay. Mortar does not have the strength to protect your chimney. It also allows water to seep through. Water intrusion is the major cause of most chimney damage. Usually, a mortar crown will also taper down to nothing at the outer edges. These outer edges are where the protection is most important! When water gets into the mortar joints and freezes, the expanding ice will crack the mortar and additional freeze-thaw cycles cause additional damage.
There are many products on the market to paint over these damaged economy crown with sealants. We have tried most of the popular brands of these sealants and have been very disappointed with the long-term results. These sealants are ineffective and quite often fail in the first 3 years.
Our crowns are made with concrete. We use forms on the top of the chimney so the concrete can be thick even past the edge of the chimney. This overhanging crown forms a natural drip edge and offers the best protection for your chimney. Not only do our crowns protect the chimney but they are really nice looking and add a touch of elegance to your chimney!
Many chimneys venting gas or oil furnaces or hot water heaters may appear to be in fine condition on the outside, but inside it could be a completely different situation. When the 80%+ efficiency furnaces were introduced, a new problem was created for chimneys - a moisture condensation problem. Yesterday's chimneys were not designed for venting today's more energy-efficient appliances.
With today’s more efficient appliances, the exhaust is cooler and therefore rises up the chimney slower. Acid-laden moisture and residue have more time to collect on the interior walls of the chimney, causing deterioration. The picture shows that the original clay liner has eroded away; pieces of it are even missing. (Old chimneys might not even have a liner.) Mortar and bricks are loose and falling, and moisture has leeched through to the home's interior walls. We have seen many homes with moisture problems on the walls caused by improperly sized or faulty chimney liners.
Chimney problems can cause illness and even loss of lives. With continued use, more erosion will take place, possibly leading to leaks in the flue, complete flue blockage, or even carbon monoxide poisoning of the home's occupants. It's happened thousands of times - illness, even death, from carbon monoxide or sulfur dioxide poisoning. With the deterioration of the flue, the deadly gases can find their way into your home through even the smallest cracks. Thankfully, the problems of a deteriorating gas or oil appliance flue can be corrected without completely rebuilding your chimney.
The solution is to install a properly sized chimney liner to service the appliances. A properly sized liner helps fumes to exit quicker, leaving less time for condensation. There are two materials approved as chimney liners for gas appliances - aluminum and stainless steel. Aluminum is the most common material used, with the only advantage being a lower upfront cost. It is much cheaper in the short term but can be much more expensive in the long run. It has been my experience that the aluminum liners have a very short life expectancy. When they first came on the market many manufactures of aluminum liners offered a lifetime warranty. Soon the warranties were shortened to 25 years then 15 years then 10 years. All these warranties are on a prorated basis, covering materials only, not labor.
In short, when - not if - your liner fails, the manufacture of the liner may say you are eligible for a few dollars toward the purchase of your next aluminum liner kit. In our 25+ years, we rarely see an aluminum liner last for more than 10 years. They quickly deteriorate due to exposure to the corrosive fumes from your furnace. They will usually last about 5 years, but we have seen some last less than 1 heating season!
Over time the mortar joints in your firebox can wear and crack, leaving the combustible building materials in your walls much less protected against heat and embers. A leaky chimney letting water into the firebox can also speed up the wear and tear of your firebox. With minor damage to mortar joints, repointing can often solve the problem. However, if there is significant damage present, the safest and most effective solution is a rebuild or partial rebuild.